Private Firm

The Director of IT for a private company sought help with a failed carrier circuit delivery at the firm’s corporate headquarters. He advised that miscommunication between the new carrier and the local carrier had delayed circuit installation by four months, and he needed aid with A) confirming if he should continue with the install or cancel and reissue with a new carrier, B) project managing the delivery, and C) reviewing contract and billing for the new service.


Result: The new carrier project team was immediately contacted. They advised the delay was caused by the local provider. Working with the carrier’s network engineer and outside plant team, it was discovered that the issue was twofold. The circuit delivery required a fiber multiplexer build and client readiness activities. An interval and cost assessment was provided to the client to validate if he should proceed with this delivery. The client opted to move ahead and work began on two fronts. The first was managing the build with the carrier teams. The second was addressing a necessary fiber run and power requirement at the client site. Managing the build helped to reduce the interval significantly. The circuit delivery was completed successfully, and all pricing was validated against the terms of the contract.