Security Awareness Program

A security program can be undermined if your employees, consultants, contractors and others who have access to your networks are not aware of its existence or their role in it.

Awareness is one of the most critical elements of a successful security program. Without adequate levels of awareness, users cannot be responsible for compliance with policy and will eventually impact the security of your information assets.

The biggest security risk to your organization are your people.

Build Awareness

Allow Dev-Byrne’s experts to deliver an awareness improvement program that instills organizational confidence and ensures that your business operates without the fear of employee risk.

We will educate your staff on the role they play in ensuring sound security, helping them to recognize security concerns and respond accordingly.

Our experts will train them to take both proactive and reactive actions, giving you peace of mind that risks are understood and mitigation plans are in place.

Mitigate Risk

Let us help you mitigate employee risk. We’ll work closely with you to define and deliver a security awareness program that:

  • Meets your business requirements and priorities with a full understanding of risks
  • Assesses your organization’s current level of awareness and implementation
  • Propose an awareness program action plan based on strategy
  • Fully implements the strategy, and provides metrics and reporting on the success of the program

Yield Benefits

Your business will receive:

  • A cost effective, consistent, and coordinated approach to delivering security awareness across the organization
  • Expert training delivered by security specialists with a proven track record in teaching
  • Reporting that documents metrics and benchmarks to ensure improvement is measured and monitored

Unfortunately, social engineering and “download this attachment” scams are still here and working better than ever. Hackers are more likely to use email scams to infiltrate your organization using attachment-based and scam message linking to hosted malware.