Telecom Audit

According to Forrester Research, “Communication is one of a company’s top three operating expenses.” Many companies are beginning to pay attention to controlling communications spending; however, an audit is complicated by its detail, complexity, and resource consumption.

Telecommunications expenses are among the most controllable costs for your enterprise. But the complexity of vendor services and contracts can introduce errors that can be hard to identify for most companies. A Dev-Byrne Telecom Billing Audit is contingency based and designed to yield the greatest savings opportunities for your firm. The objective is clear – find and correct your billing errors using our proprietary audit process to secure savings and refunds. Dev-Byrne Telecom Billing audit solutions are designed with you in mind – they are proactive, data driven, and performance based.

Why Should you Consider a tem billing audit?

As a leader in your organization, how often have you thought the following: Are the services I’m paying for billed correctly? Do I have an accurate inventory of all voice and data lines?

Are all of our services optimized to meet our business needs at the most cost effective price? Could I be realizing more savings with more efficient services?

These are some of the important questions that we’ve assisted our clients with answering.

Experience Matters

With over one hundred years combined experience in the telecom industry, we’ve had firsthand experience with carrier acquisitions, divestitures, and evolving technology.

Sweeping changes to wireline billing practices, legacy platforms, personnel, and outsourcing are all significant drivers which contribute to billing errors.

For many organizations like yours, these factors are detrimental to managing telecommunications expenses. Our consultants are trained to identify billing errors using our customized auditing techniques and practices.

Learn more about specific areas where we find savings.

How We Work For You

We are completely vendor-neutral, so you can be sure we’re 100% focused on your needs. We work with you every step of the way, presenting recommendations and proceeding with implementing only what you approve.

Leverage our team’s knowledge and let us provide you with a clear understanding of the technology, underlying billing components, and contractual and regulatory carrier environment.

Defer to an Expert

We will help you meet your financial objectives. Dev-Byrne has the expert staff and supporting technologies to perform audits, dispute management, and optimization across complex telecom invoices and contracts.

Our audits yield savings greater than the 10% industry average, generally reducing ongoing telecom expenses by 25% to 50%.

Cost is low, ROI is high

There is no “out of pocket” cost to you or your organization for the audit. All fees come from either the recovery of monies already spent or from the reduction in future costs for which you have already budgeted.

Dev-Byrne fees are a percentage of the recovery or future savings and are billed only after you have those savings in hand. Because of this, Dev-Byrne audits are 100% self-funding and have high ROI.

Designed for Businesses of all sizes

Whether your organization is small, medium, or enterprise, Dev-Byrne has developed customized Telecom Billing Audit Service options to overcome your telecom cost reduction challenges.

You can opt for either an all-inclusive audit engagement or one of several targeted telecom audit offerings.

Your Time And Effort Is Minimal

We begin to audit as soon as we receive access to billing information and letters of carrier authorization.

The audit can generally be completed within 30-60 days depending upon the network complexity.

We have designed our process to require the least amount of effort from you. Total client time invested is generally 4-5 hours. Learn more about our timeline and process.

What’s included in a tem billing audit?

Our menu of contingency-based Audit Services for addressing telecom cost savings initiatives include:

  • Recovering historical telecom over-billing. We’ll manage the dispute, recover, and reconciliation process. Disputes are filed and tracked by our team until funds are recovered
  • Identifying and isolating cost avoidance opportunities that go beyond vendor billing errors
  • Negotiating lower contract rates and better terms
  • Rate plan optimization that reduces your ongoing expenses, eliminating unnecessary spending from over and underutilized rate plans, and correcting optional features
  • Invoice validation that ensures contract compliance with vendors. A large percent of invoice errors result from vendor non-compliance with contract terms and conditions.
  • Inventory creation that offers you clear visibility and establishes positive inventory control over corporate assets and services