Import Company

In its recent past, an international trade company consolidated several of its national US office locations. The firm’s Senior Vice President of Operations needed to confirm that all existing voice and data services matched the corporate restructuring and previous telecom changes. In addition, he requested an audit to identify savings opportunities on the existing network and services.


Result: A review revealed that several of the client’s carriers were still billing for voice services that should have been disconnected at several locations. All findings were brought to the client’s attention. Order processing and bill reconciliation were project managed. Working with the carriers all corrections were made, resulting in a 40 percent cost savings on voice charges. A usage analysis of the client’s data services uncovered a zero utilization circuit that was billing under the carrier contract. The client confirmed the circuit was not ordered for back up, and that they had been oversubscribed. Working with the carrier’s order management team the unnecessary service was removed. Applicable termination charges were waived following negotiations with the carrier account manager.