More than ever, enterprises require an extensive inventory of mobile devices to keep their business operational.
Wireless services are one of the fastest growing sectors in an organizations technology portfolio, so much so that it is projected that the number of wireless devices worldwide will conservatively pass 20 billion by the year 2020. The market size for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and enterprise mobility is also expected to rise to $73.3 billion by 2021. Whether from a financial, procurement, or IT management perspective, you want to reduce wireless spend while ensuring the services your organization receives are delivered at the lowest possible cost.
More than ever, enterprises require an extensive inventory of mobile devices to keep their business operational. Organizations may need to manage and track thousands of mobile devices as well as the associated voice and data usage for those end-users. Wireless Expense Management (WEM) is a managed service solution that provides your organization with the ability to reduce wireless costs, identify operational efficiencies, improve usage visibility, and gain control over mobile voice, data services, and equipment.
Download our Wireless Expense Management solution overview to learn how Dev-Byrne can provide you with robust optimization analytics and reporting modules that produce impactful wireless savings results.